Questions and answers!!
This section could help you clarify some doubts related to the type of operation of your business. It can be used to help you better understand how we proceed with our clients, learn more about our resources and services, better understand some terms and/or specific or characteristic aspects of our industry,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_y even to identify possible needs in your company.
08 What is la "Obsolescence of Parts"?
The industry says that "obsolete" is the classification given to a part that has been in inventory for more than 12 months without a sale. for us inTSSPR, 12 months is a very long period for our times! Taking that into account, we suggest you also include the part that is already on the way, the pieces without movement in more than 9 months.
So if your share of accumulated obsolescence is more than 2% of the total cost, your operation requires immediate assistance.
When the costs of these parts exceed the operational standards suggested by the industry, they are generally the result of poor execution when exercising parts inventory controls.
How can we be sure that a piece will actually sell?
We know that this is not as easy as it is said! However, we have managed to help operations reach levels "free of obsolescence” and some others, with levels much lower than industry standards. But, above all, at the same time that your sales double.
Likewise, we know that the mismanagement of inventory controls results in large accumulations of parts, which, most likely, could end up in the trash, thus causing enormous losses for any operation. Often, this situation leads us to mistakenly limit purchases, as a control resource. But keep in mind, that this resource will also limit the purchase of good movement parts. Here are some of the guidelines that have helped us handle this issue:
Don't put your operation in the hands of“Superheros”. The operation is too large and complex to be handled only with manual controls that rely on human beings alone.
An electronic system will be necessary well configured to manage your inventory.
Even if they look very similar, never adopt control parameters from other operations. Inventory control parameters must be adapted and updated according to the needs and type of your operation.
Count on us to help them set up their Parts & Service operation correctly.
These and many other benefits are whatTSSPRcan offer you to take your company to the maximum of efficiency and performance.
Do not wait more!What you have not achieved alone represents a high cost for your company. Every day that passes you stop making a lot of money.